Saturday, April 16, 2011

Syahadatul Haq???

Assalamualaikum kawan2...
alhamdulillah, this 2 days were very meaningful days for me n my usrah's grup..
wanna noe wat were we doing within those days???
we were having an event so-called "syahadatul Haq - penyaksian di atas kebenaran".
wat is that means?
act, it's a speech/text written by Syeikh Abu Al'-A'la Al-Maududi...
This speech was been given in an event which was held in Sayyai Kaut City, Punjab.
Who's he? Jeng..jeng..jeng!!!hehehehehe~~

-born in Aurnakabad Daman, Yadarabad.
-father, Syed Ahmad Hassan from a family of Qutbuddin Maudud.
-he involved in production n publication field, 1918 (Turjuman Al-Quran), when he was in the age of 16. accepted an offer from Sir Muhammad Iqbal to build an Islamic School in Lahore.
-his book titled "Jihad in Islam' which is s very well-known book attracted so many people.
-the inventor of Jamaat Islami in year of 1941.
-been in prison for so many times and also been sentenced by the court to hang him but unable to do so as all muslims in the world disagree with the sentence
-passed away in september 1979 (cause unknown..have to do more searching n reading bout him...hehehehehe~~)

he said in his speech about our responsibilities as MUSLIMS to spread the HAQ or truth to other people.
What is syahadah? it means 'saksi'.
how a 'saksi' works???
he works when he sees ,listens and confident the truth that have been told to him n spread the truth out to other people who havent noe the truth yet by Qauliyyah (words) n Fi'liyyah (works).

In surah Al-Baqarah :143 which means
"Sepertimana Kami menjadikan kamu satu Ummat pertengahan supaya kami menjadi saksi kepada umat manusia dan Rasulullah pula menjadi saksi ke atas kamu"

here we can see we r the 'ummat pertengahan' mentioned in Al-quran..
means that, after Rasulullah received wahyu from Allah via Jibrail, the prophet immediately will spread the truth to Sahabat, n others as he is the 'saksi' for us
we r the 'saksi' to 'umat manusia' n yes we have to do what Rasul left to us to continue his Jihad to spread Islam.

there r a lot of things we can do to tell the truth.
2- Fi'liyyah

Qauliyyah ----> Blog,ym, FB, article, poster,video etc.
Fi'liyyah ----> of course by our good deeds, good behaviour etc...

Ramai org ckp susah laa nak dakwah nih...
Susah laa nak ckp ng org...x reti laaa...bla bla n bla lg..
yup, at first mmg pk cmtu pon...
sbb ingat dakwah ni cuma kena bg ceramah, talk to people face to face...
bg org cm ak yg kekurangan dlm ilmu agama ni, nak ckp kt dpn2 org ni tkot teketaq lutut plak kann...
lps program-program yg usrah ak wat, baru ak tau, byk cara kita bley wat utk smpkan kebenaran nihh...
at least, ak x la dok tercanguk x wat pa2...
ada la kot usaha...
moga diterima Allah...amin...

psssttt...sdg mengubah diri kpd yg lbey baik...sila doakan sy kuat...sekian~~~~

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

french drama...(baru nak post...)hahahaha~~

salam rakan-rakan....

nak ckp psal pa erkkk...
berdasarkan tjok kt atas tu, 4sure la psl french drama...
bley dok tanya lg...
ketok mauu???

hueheuheuheuee~~~~(intro yg bgus...)
french drama tu agak kelam-kelabut ribut-serabut la gak...
anw, Alhamdulillah...
suma berjalan lncar...
even da masalah time scene last tu...
seb bek scene tu jd gakk...
klu x, mmg hancusssssssssssssss lulusssssssssssssss laaa drama we ollsssss tauuu...(gaya gedix sket...)eeeuuuwwww...

yg sy xleh blah, keanggunan sy terpaksa dikurangkan sket di ats pentas tu sbb sy kna jd ANGELINA JOLIE (bkn Angelina Juling k...) msa scene last2 tuhh...
nak tau sy wat paa???
klu producer n director tomb raider tgk sy wat, 4 sure la sy yg belakon filem dorg....
perasan sket xper....(mkn kasut mau??)
scene tmbak-menembak penyamun n berlawan ng ketua penyamun Cik Siti Nur Izzati...

msa hbes ja blakon, malu amat kot nak twon pntas...
dah la terkedek2 smbil menyanyi-nyanyi 'merdu' ng si apek tuhh...
ditmbah plak ng aksi 'tomb raider' kannn...
igt xdak hrpn nk mng dahh...
dgn da yg lupa skrip (even sket je..), dgn masalah prop, lastly dpt gak no.2...
congrate to others grup : de phantom l'opera ng cendrillion...
korg mmg best!!!!

nk upload pix tp x dak dlm simpanan...
suma guna kamera org len...

skg ni sy homesick gilerrr...
dunno wat to do....
call mak abah dah pg td..
sy hbq kt abah yg hari ni ada 1 kls ja..
then abah jwb "x keqa la 1 kls ka 1/2 kls ka, xleh la ponteng wahai anakku...."
ddusssshhhhhhh!!!duusshhhhh dan duuussshhhhh lg!!!
btoi2 kena atas kpala...(hidung xleh, hidung mahai ceqq oiii....JANGAN GELAK OK!!!)
mcm tau2 ja anak dia nak ponteng balik umah...
maseh la abah atas nasihatmu itu...
abah suruh balik nek flight....guna det sndiri...
abah!!!!!kot la nak sponsor...adduuyaiii...hahahahahhahaa...~~~~
then ckp ng mak lak...
mak cm besa, smbg mcm2...
mak soh mkn byk2..
mak kata ak ni kurus...(waaahahaha...berbunga2 hati seketika..)
wahai mak ku, tahukah mak yg anakmu ni mukanya dah makin booolardd...
jgn la soh mkn byk2...
udoh2 le tuhh...
mak kata lg "sian anak mak....xleh balik..."
sy buat mata 'puss in the boot' meraih simpati dr org tersayang...
nak qeyau nihh....
(makin lama makin merapu...mental status dah makin terok...)

pg td wat BCA test....
result ok laa..alhamdulillah...
mntg2 tgh work out skg ni kann...
go go nadiah!!!!
heheheehehe dan hehehe lg...
k dah makin merapu...
nnt kena baling ng botol...


pssttt...miss MAK ABAH soooo much!!!!siyessly.......